The recent release of some of the classified US Embassy’s Cables by the Wikileaks has created a storm in the US. Wikileaks a whistleblower website which leaked aout quarter million cables since last Sunday has deeply damaged the image of the US in International Stage.
The leaked cables reveal some flat-out details of the functions of the US Embassy’s around the world. The cables show that the US Embassy’s acts as spy to their host nations around the world and keep the Washington posted of everything and about that is happening there.
The cables mostly contains information that is already been published in various articles and journals and it is only adding up to prove those claims to the public.
Some of the information in the cable shows the increasing tension between Islamabad and Pakistan. The American diplomats has expressed fears of the Pakistan’s Nuclear stock pile which may fall on the hands of the terrorist or even start first ever nuclear war with India.
One of the important information that has been exposed by the cables is the intense tension growing between Islamabad and Washington DC. There is an increasing fear among the US and UK diplomats that the Nuclear Stock piles stored in Pakistan may fall in to the hands of the extremist.
Russian Foreign Ministry has told Washington that the last few years extremists have attacked vehicles that carry staff to and from these facilities. Some were killed and a number were abducted and there has been no trace seen of them says the secret cable.
The other major t cable that came to the light was the secret analysis of the Cold Start Doctrine of India conducted by the US.
Cold Plan is an operational plan devised by the Indian army in the year 2004 to partially attack Pakistan which quickly punishes them over some event, possibly in response to a Pakistan-linked terrorist attack in India, without threatening the survival of the Pakistani state or provoking a nuclear response.
But the Indian Army general has dismissed the claims of “Cold Start” plans devised by the Army. The fact that India didn’t adopt plan even after a huge scale attack such as the 26/11 Mumbai Attack India didn’t adopt it.
The cables also allege that Russia is turning into a “Mafia State” and also corrupt to the very top level in the Government.
The release of cable has made the allies of the US to be skeptic about their relationship.
Many head of state have raised their eye brows on the perception of the US Government on them They have started to think if the US is a trust worthy nation that could be relied upon.
The US is already in a damage control mode starting with Hilary Clinton who is on a tour to meet their European allies. The tour is been overshadowed by the Wikileaks release and she is trying hard to reclaim the sullied image of the US. The cables contained some very frank remarks of the European Leaders such as the Italian Silvio Berlusconi who was described "feckless, vain and ineffective” and his counter part from Germany the German Chancellor as risk averse and rarely creative.
It is going to be a high mountain to climb for the US to get back their image as a trusted ally and the world will start to have a sharp eye on their relationship with the US.